Our History

- In 1971 a Business & Management Consultancy practice was commenced under the name, Consultancy House Ltd., by Nihal Sri Ameresekere, K. Praba Chandran, V. Balakumar and Jeevan Rajaratnam, mainly providing services of Business Promotion & Development, Project & Business Management and Taxation Services, developing an island-
wide Clientele. - With the initial development of the Tourist Hotel Industry in Sri Lanka at that time, of the 21 new Hotels Projects gazetted in March 1973 by the Ceylon Tourist Board granting approval for implementation, 14 were those on Applications and Proposals formulated and developed for Clients by Consultancy House Ltd., in association with Shelton Wijayaratne, Williams & Associates, Chartered Architects, Engineers & Surveyors.
- In addition at the same time in 1971, an Audit Practice was commenced under the name and style of V. Balakumar & Co., Chartered Accountants. This practice developed an island-
wide Clientele. The Audit Practice was supported by the Taxation Services provided by Consultancy House Ltd., and C.P.E. Gunasingham, on retiring as a Commissioner of Inland Revenue, commenced his Tax Consultancy practice by becoming a Director of Consultancy House Ltd. - Further, two more Companies were developed, namely, Lilamani Senanayake Batiks Ltd., and Batik A’ Lanka Ltd., which were managed and operated by Lilamani Ameresekere, creating, designing and producing a wide range of Batik products and marketing them to the wholesale and retail markets, including exports, employing over 35 Workers. This business ceased to operate from around June 1983.
- Nihal Sri Ameresekere, who was a direct pupil of Yogiraj Sri Swami Satchidananda, a pupil of Sri Swami Sivananda of India, having been taught Hatha Yoga, also commenced teaching Hatha Yoga to the Diplomatic Community, and conducting Hatha Yoga performances at the Pegasus Reef Hotel, Colombo.
- Consultancy House Ltd., in addition to the professional services –
# developed an educational institute under the name, Educational Bureau, which later developed as the ‘Management Study Circle’, operating at St. Peters College, Colombo, conducting Lectures during the week day evenings and weekends, catering to the examinations of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK and the Sri Lanka Banking Institute, having over 775 Students, with over 40 Lecturers. This business was later disposed off in 1976.
# promoted the development of a Hotel Project in Kandy, in the name of Sundowners Tours Ltd., on top of Wace Park, around the Kandy Lake, at a very scenic and unique location. In addition to this, a Travel Company by the name of Airline Marketing Services Ltd., was developed to handle Airline Ticketing Business, operating an Office in the heart of Fort, Ground Floor, Hemas Building, also having an Agency for a Passenger Ship operating between Singapore and Freemantle, Perth, Australia.
# handled the production arrangements of the ‘Elephant Boy’ Film Series filmed in Kandy, Sri Lanka by an Australian Film Producer, Portman Productions, where specialist artists were flown in and out of the country weekly for the 13 Episodes of these popular Films produced.
- Later the Kandy Hotel Project of Sundowners Tours Ltd., and the Travel Business of Airline Marketing Services Ltd., were sold to joint-
venture Companies of Maharajah Organisation and St. Anthony’s Group of A.Y.S. Ghnam, named, Regency Hotels Ltd., and Regency Travels Ltd., which had just advented into Hotel and Travel Business. With Maharajah Organisation and St. Anthony’s Group having developed disputes, the Hotel Project was abandoned. Now at the location stands the Official Residence in Kandy of the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. - With K. Praba Chandran and V. Balakumar deciding to emigrate to the United States, in early 1974 the Management Consultancy practice of Consultancy House Ltd., and the Audit practice of V. Balakumar & Co., Chartered Accountants, were sold to M.N. Sambamurti & Co., Chartered Accountants and its Management Company headed by Vasantha Coomarasamy, who was also the Group Managing Director of Maharajah Organisation Ltd.
- Thereafter in 1974, Nihal Sri Ameresekere established his own Audit Firm, as Nihal Sri Ameresekere & Co., Chartered Accountants, and a Management Consultancy practice, initially as, Nihal Sri Ameresekere Management Consultants, which was later incorporated in 1978, as Comindtax Management Service Ltd.
- By 1982 Nihal Sri Ameresekere & Co., Chartered Accountants and Comindtax Management Service Ltd., had developed a wide circle of high profile local and foreign Clientele, in the private and public sectors, including rendering strategic advice to Top Management, and handling the management of businesses, which included the handling of the finances of the all island network of Sri Lanka Transport Boards.
- Unable to cope with the volume of work, in 1982 the Audit Practice of Nihal Sri Ameresekere & Co., Chartered Accountants, and the practices of Taxation Services and Secretarial Services of Comindtax Management Service Ltd., were transferred to KPMG Ford, Rhodes, Thornton & Co., Chartered Accountants.
- Thereafter, the multifaceted professional consultancy practice under the name Comindtax Management Service Ltd., expanded catering to local and foreign Clientele, including functioning as Senior Consultants on World Bank and USAID funded Projects. Later in December 2007, the name of Comindtax Management Service Ltd., was changed to Consultants 21 Ltd.
- Consultants 21 Ltd., further diversified to develop
# Sahas Ltd., to own, manage and operate The Theva Residency, Hantana, Kandy, a luxury top end Boutique Hotel in the Hill Country of Sri Lanka.
# Consultants 21 Books., (Formerly known as Consultants 21 (Publications) Ltd.) to release 13 Books authored by Nihal Sri Ameresekere on fraud and corruption, economic crime, public finance, governance and the rule of law, published by AuthorHouse US, a Penguin Group Company, distributed globally.
# A dormant Company, renamed as Comindtax Management Service Ltd., to re-